If you were to poll 100 people, it is likely that at least twenty of them has had Lasik eye surgery, while many more have at least considered it. The individuals that follow through with the procedure are typically very satisfied with the results, and most have 20/20 vision after the fact. However, the statistics, while they may speak for themselves, may not be enough for you to consider Lasik eye Surgery for yourself. Therefore, here are some additional reasons to consider this procedure.
Lasik Eye Surgery Can Eliminate the Need for Contacts and Eye Glasses
If you have been one of the people who has worn corrective eyewear for the majority of your life, you are likely tired of all of the maintenance needed to protect your eyes and the eyewear from everyday life. Not only do you have to remember to take out your contacts at night, purchase prescription sunglasses, and update your prescription regularly, but you likely cannot see much at all if you are ever without your corrective eyewear. Lasik eye surgery, in most cases, eliminates the need for any type of corrective eyewear, making your vision almost, if not absolutely, perfect and your life easier.
Lasik Eye Surgery Allows You to Get Up and Go
It is more than get up and go: it is the ability to live life and see what you are doing every step of the way. When you go to bed at night and choose to watch TV, you can do so without having to remember to take off your glasses or take out your contacts as you begin to drift off to sleep. When you wake in the morning, you are no longer blind before your glasses are on. Anything you do can be done without the added steps included with corrective eye wear, thanks to the likely success of Lasik eye surgery.
Your Allergies Are No Longer Your Eyes’ Issues
People who wear corrective eyewear and suffer from allergies know the agony of an allergy attack. An allergy attack, itself, is uncomfortable for anyone, period. However, an allergy attack for someone with corrective eyewear means that the sufferer cannot wear his or her contacts and the pressure of glasses on his or her nose is excruciating. It makes any allergy attack worse as the sufferer must choose between having the ability to see and being as comfortable as possible until it passes. Lasik eye surgery eliminates this issue by eliminating the need for corrective eyewear overall.
Lasik Eye Surgery May be Covered by Insurance
Insurances are not all created equal. As a result, some insurances understand the benefit to both them and the patient by covering Lasik eye surgery. While it is cosmetic in nature, some insurances understand that by allowing a patient to undergo the procedure, less money will have to be paid out in the long run for corrective eyewear. It is best to check with your insurance company before making your decision in order to determine if Lasik eye surgery is covered under your policy.
Based on the foregoing, it is clear that Lasik eye surgery offers options to those suffering from vision issues that can increase anyone’s quality of life. While nothing is 100% guaranteed, people who consider Lasik eye surgery and its benefits, may find that they are enjoying every aspect of their life just a little more. If you are interested in learning more about Lasik eye surgery and how it may help you improve your life’s quality, contact the experts at Rittenhouse Eye Associates at (215) 525-6821.